New Episode: "Just Friends"
Unveil the enigmatic depths of the human psyche in our latest story, "Just Friends." This compelling tale delves into the intricate dance between light and shadow within us all. Join us as we follow the harrowing journey of a psychiatrist named Chandra, who harbors a secret from her family, coworkers, and herself. When her most troubled client meets his untimely demise, she is relentlessly pursued by an enigmatic figure concealed beneath a haunting, broad-brimmed hat. Only by confronting the concealed truths can she hope to salvage not only her own soul but also protect the one dearest to her heart. Tune in now to unearth the secrets of "Just Friends," a story that explores the power of accepting our shadows.
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Disclaimer: Nightmares & Grief covers stories of horror and tragedy, and therefore contains subject matter not suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion is advised. © 2023 Derrick Heisey -- All rights reserved